Monday, February 27, 2012

Weekly task5

1. Amazon

Amazon provides the opportunity for companies or even the publics to earn money by acting as advertisers. Starting from choosing from over a million products to advertise to your customers on your website, No matter you are a large network, content site or blogger, they have simple linking tools to meet your advertising needs and help you monetize your web site. And then you will earn advertising fees from Qualifying Purchases, not just the products you advertised.

* SWOT analysis
Low or even no cost
2. Easy to start and operate
3. Applicable to large range of people, from surfer (using fb/blog) to website owner, to business owner

1. Earn little money – can only be part of the business
2. Revenue is dependent of popularity of websites

1. Attract a lot more small company or individual to have business in their system
2. Online shopping is the trend of the world
3. The network of the technology devices improve extremely quickly

1. Everyone can be your competitor
2. Thousands of competitors
3. More advertisements on websites may cause discontent of your web visitors –affect your own business

Since customers can buy a wide range of products in Amazon, from music disc, video, software and games, to books, toys and sports stuffs. So this kind of small business can be applied to the companies selling desktop and laptop such as Lenovo, HP. Since people after purchasing the desktop/laptop may be interested in purchasing some software or games. Moreover, it can be applied to some companies which selling hi-fi equipment such as Philips, as music disc and movie is the complement to hi-fi equipment. Advertising on such companies will be quite effective.

2. Yahoo

Yahoo creates different kind of possibilities for individuals and small companies to do business. They create online store for individuals and company to sell their products through this platform. Also, it allows users to post photos, video, audio into the store, in order to attract customer. The website will help company or individuals to analyze their business model, which means how big are their business and how many people visit the cyber store a day. Nevertheless, yahoo is having partnership with some big logistics company, such as DHL, FedEx, Ups, to help the store owner to delivery their product on time, which can help the owner to maintain excellent service standard.

*SWOT analysis
1. Diversify the company business model
2. The online store system is really user-friendly
3. The owner can save lots of labor cost
4. Develop deeper relationship among yahoo business partner, e.g. DHL, FedEx

1.      The online store system is still not popular
2.      Advertisement is not enough
3.      The online store system’s network is not quick enough

1. Attract more small company or individual to have business in their system
2. Online shopping is the trend of the world
3. The network of the technology devices improve extremely quickly

1. Many competitors would like to dominate the online store market, such as e-bay
2. Some of the online store companies have their own logistic team to save the delivery fee and reduce the cost
3. Citizens in developing country are still not having much confident in online shopping

By using Yahoo`s partnership with some big logistics company, they can do differentiation strategy from the competitor`s online shopping website.

3. Apple

Apple creates different kind of possibilities for individuals and small companies to do their business. They provides Mac app store for efficient marketing of producer`s app. By using this store, producer can easily upload their app in the market and advertise it to millions of users around the world. And thanks to a continuous increase apple user and reasonable company`s policy, such as high revenue and no credit card fee, producer and user are more connected.  

*SWOT analysis
1. Established strong brand image and awareness
2. By relating Mac book, making difference with other app service like android
3. Attractive marketing policy like a no hosting fee and receiving payment monthly

1. Lack of investigation about consumer`s needs and wants (Developers of Apple are making some product by using only their creative power and imagination unlike other companies)

1. According to nowadays culture, app product and smart phone will be much more developed
2. Online market is really suitable for app service

1. A lot of competitor, such as Samsung galaxy S, around the world
2. A lot of illegal free app services, like a Cydia and Installous

Since customers can buy a wide range of app in Apple such as music, software and games and e-book. So this kind of small business can be applied to the company providing innovative service such as online shopping, health care and location tracking. Since people after using some simple app services may be interested in purchasing more developed and creative.

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